Sunday, October 11, 2020

Infusion Review & Infusion Bonuses

 Infusion is a new training course by Mark Barrett and James Fawcett.

Have you heard about it?

It goes live on October 11th at 9AM EST.
You may be wondering what Infusion is all about?
In a nutshell, Infusion is about promoting high ticket offers in a specific way.
You will “infuse” your promotions with high ticket offers.
So, instead of promoting only low ticket offers, you will also promote high ticket.
You do this by way of emails that you send out.
What Will You Learn Inside The Training?
The training is broken down into 4 parts. A case study of the method in action. Finding and promoting high ticket offers. Best High ticket offers to promote. Qualify prospects with chatbots. Qualifying prospect with chatbots is not anything new.
To watch a full Infusion review, watch it below: