Sunday, May 12, 2019

Triple Traffic Bots Review

Triple Traffic Bots is a 3 in 1 traffic generation software and training package by Glynn Kosky and Leigh Kosky. It goes live on May 12th at 10AM EST. With Triple Traffic Bots you will receive step-by-step video training that covers traffic, lead generation and how to get continuous profits. In addition to generating and capturing leads on 2 separate lists, Triple Traffic Bots takes things a step further. It shows how you can generate sales and re-market to this audience even if they do not optin. This system gets you both Facebook Messenger notification leads and email optin so you can connect with your audience in multiple ways. With this instant monetization method, Triple Traffic Bots lets you profit from your new leads the minute they subscribe. All the different softwares needed to deploy these methods are included in the Triple Traffic Bots package.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Page 1 Ranking Formula Review and Bonus

Page 1 Formula is a new course by Vick Carty and Robert Phillips that goes live on May 8th at 10 AM EST: Page 1 Ranking Formula goes beyond method and actually delivers a complete system. This means you will rank videos in any category of affiliate marketing you're involved in. The training provided by Vick Carty will allow you to get free as well as targeted traffic to your offers. Once you learn how to apply The Page 1 Ranking Formula, then there's no need for ad spend or outsourcing the SEO to sites or marketplaces like Upwork. You can use it to promote affiliate offers, CPA offers, local services, own product or services or even ecommerce. The authors include all the tools and training, so user doesn’t need anything else to rank videos using this system. This will work for any niche. Again, it's a complete system and they will update it regularly for NO EXTRA cost. This is a perfect system to make passive commissions. And is 100% newbie friendly, so works for anyone with ZERO Skills.